-For Individuals and Local Leagues-

When the people lead, the leaders will follow. –Gandhi

If not you, who? If not now, when?

WHAT WE, the People, CAN DO!

Join our advocacy network.

Educate yourself

Practice Listening

Learn to listen –> Listen to learn. People can hear what you say, but they don’t take it to heart unless they trust you. So, start with projects to get to know your audience so you can build a bridge of trust. Instead of debating and declaring, gather stories and opinions from people in your area. Ask them to “help me understand what you mean when you say….”

Here are four projects you can model your listening activities on. Feel free to use or adapt their materials (giving credit, of course, when you borrow).

Organize and Take Action

2018 Summer Festival in Loveland Colorado. LWV of Larimer County’s parade float “An Ailing US Health System is Putting the Statue of Liberty at Risk,” highlights the need for single payer health care. (Courtesy of Elaine Branjord)

Take your advocacy actions to your local governments

These ideas report actions that many Leagues have been involved in. The state League and its positions will govern what activities are open to you at the state and local level as an activist that identifies her or himself with the League. More care must be taken when advocating to federal officials, in order for the League to “speak with one voice.” (See more below, or at the LWV Position page.)


Use Toolkit materials!

How Vermont's New Position Fights Abuses of Privatization 

Health Care Reform for the US